Friday, March 2, 2007

What is this -- The Synagogue of Satan?

Synagogue of Satan

Jesus said unto them, If God were your father, ye would love me:

for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself,
but he sent me

Why do you not understand my speech? even because
ye cannot hear my word

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lust of your father ye will do
He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in truth,
because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of
his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it

And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not

Which of you convinceth me of sin? And if I say the
truth, why do ye not believe me?

He that is of God hearth God's words: ye therefore
hear them not, because ye are not of God

(John - 8: 42 - 8: 47)

I thought for this blog, I would share some of my findings. It isn't a pretty picture. First of all, we have to find out, where this thing called the Synagogue of Satan, got it's name? Well, just the name itself, should tell us it has a religious connection. It does, it comes from the Bible or the Holy Bible. I downloaded some trial bible software and after the installation, did a search for - Synagogue of Satan. I found it mentioned in Rev: 2:9 and Rev: 3:9. Bible software used was 30 day trial version of SwordSearcher The Bible selected was the King James version. I'm not going down the road of a religious text, as it has been done many times already. This is how one story goes. (In very short form) Many years ago, a bunch of people who were deep into the occult or black magic, got mixed up with money and power. They infiltrated all secret societies and even religious establishments. They were called the Illuminati and they worked for rich money lenders. (Very Rich Elites / Banking Families). I find it hard to believe, that money wouldn't be enough to hire and control enough people to do the dirty work. The black magic part adds a certain evil touch, so I expect, that is why it was added? Still, many people believe this group is part of the Global plot and have been around since the late sixteen hundreds. If they do exist, they are most certainly part of Zionism.

"Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws" Mayer Amschel Bauer,
who founded the Rothschild family

"Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws."
His son, Amschel Mayer Rothschild

I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply." Another son, Nathan Mayer Rothschild bragged.

This creature isn't an actual Synagogue and it has any number of names or fronts. It seems to be whatever confused people decide to call it. Just for example, here are some of the names that "supposedly," make up the - Synagogue of Satan. It should be noted here, that name - Synagogue and Satan, come from a religious standpoint and those who are not religious, would most likely call it something else. Unless of course; they were just parroting someone else's text or work. Also, they might be trying to avoid the real culprit. Some of the names -- The New World Order, the Council on Foreign Relations, The Bilderberg Group, The Illuminate, (this seems to be a popular one) The Skull and Bones, The Vatican, The Freemasons and many, many more. There are those who work hard to hide the real name, especially the closest fit - The Synagogue of Satan.

Gold and riches is indeed the root of all evil. Those who have it, want more and along with it comes much power, much greed and much corruption. Gold or Mammon is their God. So, here is your building block or corner stone, for Synagogue of Satan. If you read below, you will see it's true name. Mammon, has always been the main cause of World problems. The system is know as a system of usury. A long time ago, the mega-rich gathered up all the gold and silver and gave us back paper. When we borrow money, it is just paper and comes out of thin air and we pay back our hard earned dollars plus interest. This is a racket. The Federal reserves are privately owned and so are the banks. A bunch of ultra-rich banking families, discovered a long time ago, that through the manipulation of money, they could gain control over Governments and Nations. You will hear this thing called many different names and there are those, who will call it anything, but it's real name. The creature's true name, is ZIONISM. I think the people behind this Zionist global world or plan, are the people Jesus mentioned in the Bible, when he called them - The Synagogue of Satan.

My friends (some religious) and I, always thought Zionism was / is a decent thing. Well, I'm sorry to say it is not and we've all been had. Doubt it not! The (Mega-Rich) Zionist, didn't want just Israel, they wanted the entire World. They want everything in their (private) hands. Thanks to Internet, the true face of Zionism (to a certain extent,) has finally been exposed. It is time to face this creature and help others to "fully" expose it to the World. This creature has no conscience and feels no guilt. Their God is Mammon. Our Countries are are going deeper and deeper into debt everyday. Places of work are being closed, or down sized. Jobs are being out sourced. (nafta / safta). Bills are going up and up. Prices on almost everything are climbing each day. I could go on and on. We are now realizing the truth of this system. The usury system also identifies people as bank-owned commodities. This comes in handy as the world switches to global Socialism and perceived “rights” are eliminated one by one. The

What you can do to help? Well, first of all, when you hear names, such as - The NWO, The Jesuits, The Gnostics, The Knights Templar, The Club of Rome, The Freemasons, Order of the Bull's Blood, Priory of Fire, Screamers from Planet-Pluto, London Blood Cults, The Vampire Blood Cult, The Hounds of Hell, The Crunchy Clown Club, Opus Dei and etc. Convert or substitute any weird names to the real name: World ZIONISM (ZOG) or Global ZIONISM. We are all just small fish in a big sea and you may ask - What can I do? You can use your little mouth to tell others and talk about it. You can send your little emails and spread the word. Become an inspiration to others.

This is what was explained to me a couple of years ago. In the 1990's President Bush, signed into law - The 7 Noahide laws for gentiles. (Public Law 102‑14 - Education day) At first glance, this doesn't seem like much. Christians believe that Jesus Christ is Lord, Savior, Messiah, Son of God and Jesus - God in the flesh. Under Jesus Christ or the New Covenant, "All" peoples can be saved through him - Jesus Christ. -- John 14-6: Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. -- 1 John 2:22: Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father AND the Son. So anyway, My friends tell me they looked over these seven noahide laws and they are very scary. There is no mention of Jesus Christ and it stated God, but not the name, or "what" God. One must worship this God and no other and doing otherwise, is breaking the law. This means execution by way of decapitation. Others said this is Judaism as a religion with Talmudic laws - Court system. (Pharisaism?) I have asked some my religious friends about this, and they tell me that there can be no such thing as a Talmudic - Judeo-Christian / Judaism-Christian. Trying to mix the two, is like trying to push together the like poles of a magnet, two like electrical charges, or trying to mix water and oil. According to them, by attempting to combine the two, you really end up replacing - the Lord Jesus Christ and the New Covenant, for some form of Talmudic Judaism. (Pharisaism?) They tell me this turns a Christian, into a non-Christian and they become part of: Talmudic-Judeo-Pharisaism, which has nothing to do with the - Lord Jesus Christ.

2 John 7-11: For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist. Look to yourselves, that we lose not those things which we have wrought, but that we receive a full reward. Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.

How Can I help?

1.) Well, when people tell you all those groups are the problem, tell them they are not and give them the true name. The NWO, Opus Dei, The Golden Dawn, Order of the Bulls Blood, Priory of Fire, Beati Paoli, Trilaterals, The Luciferian Blood Cult, London Blood Cults, Germanic death cult, The Knights Templar, The Headless Horsemen, Grand Order of Luciferians, The Crunchy Clown Club, The Greenies from Planet-X, The Swamp Creatures, Need I list more? Substitute the names to ZIONISM. The people who come up with weird the names or groups, are - ZIONIST DENIERS. Pay no attention to these Zionist shills, handlers or double agents. These people are out to fool you and they work for Zionism. They will mix truth with lies. You'll soon catch on to their ways of deception. They'll try and steer you away from burning issues and in wrong directions. They'll keep pushing all the false reasons for the "war on terror," as they are in with the Zionist, who just happen to be the fathers of it.

I'm not trying to say these groups or clubs don't play a part, I'm saying they're cut from the same cloth. Meaning they are in with or part of Zionism. In 1933, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, had the all seeing eye placed on the one dollar bills, along with motto, "Novus Ordo Seclorum." This is Latin for "A New Order of the Ages." It is more commonly known as New World Order (NWO). I've always wondered why they bothered to do it? Now, I figure it was a distraction. There were so many one dollar bills in circulation, it was the perfect choice. Everyone would get to see the changes right away. The New World Order guessing game, was born. Here is a timeline. The New World Order, was / is - Zionist Controlled Governments (ZOG) working toward Globalism. Meaning: globalism under socialist-communist control. It is a system of usury, that is in place in almost every Country in the World today. The usury system, was implemented to keep us in a perpetual state of un-payable and unsolvable debt. The Countries that are not on; or under their system of usury, are called "rouge" Countries. Socialism is not a share the wealth program, it is a method to consolidate and control the wealth of nations and soon; the World. It is a method to deliver all wealth into their private hands. The usurers will destroy Nations they do not yet control, as these Nations want no part in their system of usury. These Countries or Nations, want to keep their own systems intact and keep their own religion and ways. The usurers hate them for that, so they attack and destroy them. We are seeing the destruction of these Nations today. There are many who will say, the Bible is a "fairy tale" and no one should believe it. How can they explain all the things in the Bible that has come true? What about - One world Government, one global monetary system or currency, a cashless society, Globalism itself and the coming one world religion? All these things are just around the corner and predicted in the Bible. Almost everyday, new people come to realize that this
coming (one-world) government is based upon a (Zionist-hybrid) Socialism-Communism economics system. An evil system of private / corporate governance and ownership of all natural resources, even our property, water, and complete control and ownership of human beings. How can people be so blind? Anyway, this isn't just about usury, but also about corruption. They seek to destroy all that is good and decent. Zionism, is most certainly the Synagogue of Satan. ZOG or Zionist Controlled Governments, could easily be called "LOG" - Luciferian Controlled Governments, as this is far more accurate and a much clearer picture, of those who make up - The Synagogue of Satan. There are those in Government and Media, who are more then "willing" to go along with this, and they should not be considered "controlled," as they are partners in this crime against humanity. They very willingly take their share of bloody gifts and mammon. If you are in anyway connected to this Zionist beast, we can only hope and pray, that you will soon find your way out of her - The Synagogue of Satan.

2.) Pass the link of this blog and my other links. Send them via email, mirc chat, messenger programs. Ask that they be forwarded widely.

3.) Talk to others and ask them to help. Get involved and do anything you can. We must take practical steps to counteract the plan of the Zionist financiers, which can be done only through a monetary reform: The electors must insist that the issue of money, and the control thereof, be placed back in the hands of the Government where it rightfully belongs. Hopefully we can get this done before it is to late.

Important Links:


The Zionist Agenda
Armageddon: Zionism's Diabolical Goal
Daryl Bradford Smith - The French Connection
Ziopedia Log - On Zionism

Religion - Zionist Christians

The Religious - "Right" - Falwell, Hagee and etc.
Christian Zionism
A Presentation - Christians being mislead. Must See!
(A Presentation - Sometimes it slows down a bit, but picks up again.)
Christian - Pan-Handlers
How Christians Have Been Deceived
God’s Promised Judgment - Begins "At The House Of God"
Esau/Edom, and the trail of the Serpent-1 to 13
The Edomites
The Plot Against Christianity
Public Law 102‑14 and Its Implications To Christians
German Bible Goes politically Correct
Facts are Facts - Benjamin H. Freedman
Christians Being Usurped / Mislead

About the Talmud

The Truth About the Talmud
Noahide Laws
In The Talmud
The Noahide Laws
The Sanhedrin

About The Federal Reserve and Money.

The Federal Reserve
Secrets of the Federal Reserve


Eric Hufschmid - Book & DVD on 911
Christopher Bollyn - Independent Journalist
Cytations - Blog Spot
Scroll down - “Lost Tomb of Jesus”: The Talmud Makes its Way to the Discovery Channel
The Book - The Synagogue of Satan - By Andrew Hitchcock
Shut up America - We are taking your free speech - Truthtellers
The Illuminati
History of the Illuminati

Alert Your Friends - Spread the word - Talk to people - Email links !

Thank You!

Jesus Christ - Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God!

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