Sunday, March 11, 2007

Evangelist - A Den of Thieves ...

A Den of Thieves ...

For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves
into the apostles of Christ.

And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers
of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

(2 Corinthians 11:13-15)

There seems to be some very serious mistakes, when it comes to the "End-Times" and how they are "supposed" to come about. One thing I know for sure, if the leaders of various Countries had left the decisions for nuclear war up to the evangelist, the earth would be our urn. How dare they think they know the mind of God. Something even more serious and dangerous, is when they think they can "force" the hand of God, by calling for the destruction of other Countries and so on. (God wants us to bomb this and that Country.) Outrages is what it is! Get a grip people, these are millionaire (Zionist) businessmen.

The Judeo-Christianity religion is based on a forgery, the Scofield Reference Bible. This forgery has been America's best selling bible for close to 100 years. It is now used for teaching in theology centers all around the World. Oh, and it wasn't "just" Scofield, there were others also. There is lots of money and power behind this deception, so why not check this out and judge for youself?

Christian-Zionists” or “Judeo-Christians” - 1 John 2:22-23. It could not be made any clearer. It has been explained to me very clearly. Christians do not understand or know, what they are being delivered into. Is it Pharisaism: Talmudic-Judaism as a religion under Talmudic law - Court system? The 7 Noahide Laws are for gentiles aren't they? Will there be any worship of Jesus Christ (Savior) under this system? It doesn't make any difference what they call it. If it doesn't have Jesus Christ, above all and at the top, as Lord and Savior, get out. Don't walk - Run.

God’s Promised Judgment -- Begins ‘At The House Of God’

1 Peter 4:17. For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?

1-John: 2-22. Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: (but) he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.

1 John 2:23. Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: (but) he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.

Matthew - 10:21-22. "And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death. And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved."

The above mentioned (Matt - 10:21-22) doesn't sound like to chipper a time does it? No, but it is coming and I expect we'll all have to face it. Do you think you will not have to face - this test of faith? I am one who thinks we are going to, and I believe it isn't all that far off. Jesus knew when to leave a place, because it wasn't safe for him. He knew where he could safely walk and who he could safely walk among, until the proper time. The "true" faithful Christian (I believe) will become public enemy number one. Why? For keeping his/her faith in only Jesus Christ. We have already seen evidence of this, and I believe it is going to get much, much worse. Also, I feel it will become dangerous.

Here is what happed and how Christians have been had! .. Various sources.


You've probably heard that the pretribulation rapture view was published by a Rev. Morgan Edwards in 1788 and also by a Medieval writer called Pseudo-Ephraem 1000 years earlier. The Edwards claim (promoted by John Bray and copied by Frank Marotta, Thomas Ice, Tim LaHaye etc.) is based on a 1980 book by Thomas McKibbens and Kenneth Smith, while the claim for Pseudo-Ephraem (promoted by Grant Jeffrey and copied by Thomas Ice, J. R. Church, Jerry Falwell, Tim LaHaye, Chuck Missler, Dave Hunt, Hal Lindsey etc.) rests on a 1985 book by Paul Alexander.


"World Zionist leaders initiated a program to change America and its religious orientation. One of the tools used to accomplish this goal was an obscure and malleable Civil War veteran named Cyrus I. Schofield. A much larger tool was a venerable, world respected European book publisher--The Oxford University Press.

The scheme was to alter the Christian view of Zionism by creating and promoting a pro-Zionist subculture within Christianity. Scofield's role was to re-write the King James Version of the Bible by inserting Zionist-friendly notes in the margins, between verses and chapters, and on the bottoms of the pages. The Oxford University Press used Scofield, a pastor by then, as the Editor, probably because it needed such as man for a front. The revised bible was called the Scofield Reference Bible, and with limitless advertising and promotion, it became a best-selling "bible" in America and has remained so for 90 years.


Since the 1970's stunning new data has been surfacing about the pretribulation rapture's long-covered-up beginnings in the 1800's. In recent years several persons associated with Dallas Theological Seminary (which had long been pretribized) have reportedly gone to Britain to check on my research sources and then write books opposing my claims. In 1990 an Ohio pastor told me that Dr. _____ _____, the most qualified DTS prof, traveled there and came back and wrote nothing! The pastor added that he and some others had a good laugh. But change was coming. In 1993 Chuck Swindoll, who became DTS president after John Walvoord, stated: "I'm not sure we're going to make dispensationalism [the chief attraction of which is a pretrib rapture] a part of our marquee as we talk about our school." When asked if the word "dispensationalism" would disappear, he answered: "It may and perhaps it should" ("Christianity Today," Oct. 25, 1993)! But a few diehards (with the stubbornness of Iraqi insurgents and New Orleans looters) keep on milking their cash cow while continuing to cover up and twist the following historical facts about their latter-day, cult-like belief:

1825: British preacher Edward Irving revealed that he had been teaching some of dispensationalism's key aspects as early as late 1825. (John Darby-exalter R. A. Huebner has never even claimed to find any original prophetic idea in Darby before late 1826!)

1827-1830: Darby was still posttrib during these years. His 1827 paper had him waiting for only the posttrib "restitution of all things." After discussing in 1828 the "unity" of the church, he looked for only the Rev. 19 coming in 1829 and 1830.


Public Law 102‑14 and Its Implications To Christian Americans

105 STAT. 44 Public Law 102‑14 ‑‑ March 20, 1991 Joint Resolution To designate March 26, 1991, as "Education Day, U.S.A."

Whereas Congress recognizes the historical tradition of ethical values and principles which are the basis of civilized society and upon which our great Nation was founded;

Whereas these ethical values and principles have been the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization, when they were known as the Seven Noahide Laws;

Whereas without these ethical values and principles the edifice of civilization stands in serious peril of returning chaos;

Whereas society is profoundly concerned with the recent weakening of these principles that has resulted in crises that beleaguer and threaten the fabric of civilized society;



Modern church history is replete with false Christian leaders being manipulated by the Zionist faction. One of today’s most blithering exponents of Christian Zionism is the obese John Hagee, pastor of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio and author of the nonsensical Jerusalem Countdown: A Warning to the World. Hagee is a self-absorbed megalomaniac who in 1975 unbiblically divorced his wife of 15 years and married the much younger (by 12 years) Diana Castro — court records contain a letter by Hagee to his church in which he admitted to sexual immorality.

Hagee is also head of Christians United for Israel (CUFI) which for two days in July held the Washington/Israel Summit in Washington D.C. declaring the undying support of Zionist Christians to the nation of Israel. Hagee virtually espouses no other message than that of Israel-worship and last days insanity.


When the subject of the "end-times" comes up, many Christians and non-Christians don’t want to talk about it. Some Christians, annoyed with all the competing theories and terminology just say, "What difference does it make? Jesus is coming back and I just need to be ready." Non-Christians just assume that since Christianity isn’t true, then the whole issue doesn’t matter. Well, actually, it does matter. I will submit that the popular doctrines of the Left Behind series pose very real threats not only to Christianity, but also to the wider culture.

Probably most conservative Protestants (though not all of us) believe that humanity is certainly in the final generation of life on earth as we currently know it. Not that we "could be," but that "we must be." That’s a big distinction. They believe this because of their views on a couple key Biblical texts. The first is the Olivet Discourse. This discourse by Jesus about the "end of the age" can be found in Mark 13, Matthew 24, and Luke 21. Dispensationalists – a group that believes God has two separate prophetic programs for Israel and the Church and generally believes that Christians will be removed from the earth before a final tribulation – see all of the events or signs spoken of by Jesus as referring to events that are happening now or going to happen very soon. Never mind that Jesus was first and foremost referring to events that would occur within his own disciples’ lifetime (Matthew 24:34). They believe that nothing past chapter 3 in the book of Revelation has occurred yet. It is all in the future, and all relates to the tribulation period, which true Christians will avoid.


Several years ago, I chaperoned a field trip for my son’s Christian school class. Another dad on the trip asked me what I did, and when I mentioned that I taught courses on the Middle East, he said, “So, do you know a lot about Bible prophecy?” His question sounded strange to me. He didn’t ask me if I knew Hebrew, Arabic, or another Middle Eastern language; he asked about prophecy. Yet his question wasn’t strange for an evangelical. As a glance at the shelves of a Christian bookstore will confirm, evangelical views of the Middle East maintain a peculiar fascination with a literal and imminent Armageddon in the region.

My Middle East Politics course at Malone College regularly enrolls a number of students who are well-versed in a Christian Zionist worldview—better versed than I am. I grew up in a Dutch Calvinist subculture that was either amillenial or panmillenial—that is, we either had no view about the end times, or we believed that the end times would all “pan out in the end,” as the old joke has it. Covenant theology was another hallmark of the tradition. But many evangelicals have a very different view rooted in premillenial and dispensational readings of the Bible: readings that insist Christ’s imminent return will usher in the millennium and that God speaks in different dispensations to Jews and Gentile Christians, rather than one covenant. Stephen Sizer does a wonderful job tracing how these readings of Scripture emerged to create a pro-Israeli political lobby. He helped me better understand where many of my students are coming from.

Like many other evangelicals of his generation, Sizer confesses at the outset that he remembers “devouring” Hal Lindsey’s Late Great Planet Earth and “hearing in person his lectures on eschatology and the book of Revelation.” Sizer writes, “It seemed as if the Bible was literally coming true in our generation” (p. 9). But Sizer, an Anglican vicar and chairman of the International Bible Society in the United Kingdom, describes a “radical change of perspective” during his first trip to Israel in 1990 that came after meeting a “real-life Christian Palestinian” (p. 10). The present book emerges from his efforts to understand why evangelicals have tended to support Zionist Jews rather than fellow Christians who happen to be Palestinian. Along the way, Sizer wrote a doctoral thesis on Christian involvement in Israeli-Palestinian issues, and he says that the book distills the fruits of his research.


In a perfect world, a reporter at last week's press conference with George Bush and Tony Blair would have asked Bush, in the presence of his principal European ally, if he believes the European Union is the Antichrist.

Although it sounds like the kind of Pat Robertson lunacy that makes even the wingnuts run for the nearest exit, it's a question Bush should be forced to answer. Bush and other leading Republicans have lined up behind a growing movement of Christian Zionists for whom a European Antichrist figures prominently in an end-times scenario. So they should be forced to explain to the rest of us why they're courting the votes of people who believe our allies are evil incarnate. Could it be that the central requirement for their breathlessly anticipated Armageddon -- that the United States confront Iran -- happens to dovetail so nicely with the neoconservative war agenda?


I am constantly amazed at the gross spiritual apathy and blasphemy of men and women, supposedly "Christians," who possess a woeful ignorance of the true meaning of the Kingdom of God.

As shocking as it may seem, millions of people who consider themselves perfectly knowledgeable of the prophetic scriptures are today working earnestly in a misguided effort to help Satan and the Beast of Revelation establish their latter days global kingdom.

Disgustingly, these millions of "evangelical" and "fundamentalist" Christians actually believe that in helping Satan and the Beast set up their bloody kingdom on earth, they are, in reality, serving God. Their callous disregard for scriptural integrity brings graphically to mind our Lord's dire warning that as the end of time draws near, the religious of this world will kill true Christians and think they do God service (John 16:2).


Falwell spoke for a large number of Christian Zionists in the U.S., Christians who believe that the modern state of Israel is the fulfillment of biblical prophecy and so deserves unconditional political, financial and religious support. Christian Zionists work closely with religious and secular Jewish Zionist organizations and the Israeli government, particularly during periods when the more conservative Likud Party is in control of the Israeli Knesset (parliament). Though Falwell claims to be speaking for over 100 million Americans, the number is actually closer to 25 million.

Mainstream evangelicals number between 75 and 100 million; fundamentalist and dispensationalist evangelicals, whom Falwell represents, between 20 and 25 million.

Christian Zionism grows out of a particular theological system called premillennial dispensationalism, which originated in early 19th-century England. The preaching and writings of a renegade Irish clergyman, John Nelson Darby, and a Scottish evangelist, Edward Irving, emphasized the literal and future fulfillment of such teachings as the Rapture, the rise of the Antichrist, the Battle of Armageddon, and the central role that a revived state of Israel would play during the end days. Darby and Irving argued that portions of the books of Daniel, Ezekiel, Zechariah and Revelation predict when Jesus will return and how the final battle of history will take place.

Presence Ministries is proud to present a new 6-part DVD by Dr. Stephen Sizer entitled, "Christian Zionists-on the Road to Armageddon." This DVD was released to coincide with an international Christian conference in Jerusalem, April 14-18, that critiqued End-Time Bible prophecy with respect to its negative effect on the Arab-Israeli conflict. Dr. Sizer addressed the conference on the history and theology of this misguided millennialism. The conference was hosted by Sabeel, led by Dr. Naim Ateek. Sabeel exists to strengthen the identity, presence and witness of Palestinian Christians, descendants of the original Christians of the first-century. The conference theme was "Challenging Christian Zionism: Politics, Theology, and the Israel-Palestine Conflict," and featured an evening address by the Archbishop of Canterbury.


Pat Robertson is a wealthy man. An extremely wealthy man-some estimates put his net worth at 140 million. He lives on the top of a Virginia mountain, in a huge mansion with a private airstrip. He owns the Ice Capades, a small hotel, diamond mines, and until recently, International Family Entertainment, parent company of the Family Channel. How does a televangelist, who is supposedly involved in non-profit work, manage to create such a fortune for himself? Apparently, between dealing with murderous dictators and ripping off senior citizens, its not that hard.


The 2004 U.S. presidential elections left little doubt about the rise of the Christian Right. Polls indicated that “moral values” topped the list of voter concerns, surpassing the economy, the environment, and even the war, and the symbolic campaigns against gay marriage and abortion mobilized broad sections of the electorate, in particular the "five million new Evangelical voters" whom Karl Rove promised, and delivered, to his president. A year and a half on, the rise of the Christian Right is keenly felt in many areas. Soon-to-be Justice Samuel Alito is certain to enshrine its moral agenda within the Supreme Court's new "strict constructionist" jurisprudence, which allows government much more latitude in regulating moral conduct, even as its "new federalist" doctrines constrict the government's regulation of economic conduct. The "mood" of the country is said to be drifting rightward. And, of course, Israel.


Dispensationalism is one of the most influential theological systems within the universal church today. Largely unrecognised and subliminal, it has increasingly shaped the presuppositions of fundamentalist, evangelical, Pentecostal and charismatic thinking concerning Israel and Palestine over the past one hundred and fifty years. John Nelson Darby is regarded as the father of dispensationalism and its prodigy, Christian Zionism. It was Cyrus. I. Scofield and D. L. Moody, however, who brought Darby’s sectarian theology into mainstream evangelical circles. R. C. Sproul concedes that dispensationalism is now ‘...a theological system that in all probability is the majority report among current American evangelicals. Most of the early popular American radio preachers such as Donald Grey Barnhouse, Charles E. Fuller, and M. R. DeHaan were dispensationalists. Today, virtually all the 'televangelists' such as Jerry Falwell, Jim Bakker, Paul Crouch, Pat Robertson, Jimmy Swaggart and Billy Graham are also dispensationalists. Other leading dispensationalist writers include Charles Ryrie, Dwight Pentecost, John Walvoord, Eric Sauer, Charles Dyer, Tim LaHaye, Grant Jeffrey and Hal Lindsey. Notable political proponents include Jimmie Carter and Ronald Reagan. Probably the most significant Christian organizations to espouse dispensationalism have been the Moody Bible Institute, Dallas Theological Seminary and the International Christian Embassy, Jerusalem.


When a fundamentalist religious leader calls for the assassination of an overwhelmingly popular president of a real (as opposed to American) democratic republic, does it matter whether the fundamentalist leader is a Christian or Moslem?

Yes it does. When that fundamentalist religious leader has a record of successfully maneuvering its government, the militarily most powerful nation on Earth, into executing atrocities that are not only criminal acts but acts that violate the real tenets of both Islam and Christianity, it matters mightily.


About a year ago was when I was first exposed to this movement called Kinism one of the things many of the Kinist bloggers talked about a lot was Judeo-Christianity. Up to that point I had a positive view of it, having uncritically accepted the notion that our culture and even religion were Judeo-Christian at their foundations. After all, every conservative opinion medium that was easily accessible sang the praises of our Judeo-Christian heritage. Could they all be wrong? It didn’t take long for me to see and agree with what the Kinists were saying about the ‘virtues’ of this amalgamation. Since I was already well aware that something was seriously wrong with the conservative political movement it should come as no surprise that that which was (and still is) its largest supporter was also diseased. I used to reflexively defend the Religious Right since they were opposed to much of the progressive ideals of liberalism, at least in word. I was thinking the thoughts the Establishment expected from those in the antithetical sphere of its dialectic charade. Liberals boldly propose new schemes, conservatives counter-propose something more palatable, and the masses ultimately receive a synthesis of the two.


SHOW: 60 Minutes

DATE: October 6, 2002


BOB SIMON reporting:

What's the number-one item on the agenda of the Christian right? Abortion?School prayer? No and no. Believe it or not, what's most important to a lot of conservative Christians is the Jewish state, Israel; its size, its strength, its survival. Why so? Well, there is the alliance between America and Israel in the war on Islamic terror, but it goes deeper. For Christians who interpret the Bible in a literal fashion, Israel has a crucial role to play in bringing on the Second Coming of Christ.

This Friday, thousands are expected to gather on the Mall in Washington to express their faith and to lobby the administration. The rally is being organized by the Christian Coalition, which wants to make sure that the Bush administration sees the struggle in the Middle East between Jews and Muslims their way, the Christian way.

(Footage of people dancing at pep rallies; audience members)


Christianity as taught by televangelists such as Billy Graham, Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell, is one of America's most widely held religions. It is also as close as Constitutional decorum will permit, to becoming an official state religion. It's been openly professed by successive Presidents and by prayer meetings and song at John Ashcroft's justice department. Yet this fundamentalist, pentacostal, pre-millenialist, dispensationalist version of Christianity (referred to in this article as Christian Zionism because of its political affinity to Judaic Zionism) has almost no resemblance to the religion of the Protestant Reformation, much less the Roman church, or the mysterious Christianity of the first century AD. At every step to the creation of this potent new religion, we can see the psychopathic hand of secret societies.

Any historical analysis and consideration of the Dispensational perspective on prophecy must take into account the paramount importance of the “Prophecy of Seventy Weeks” in Daniel 9: 24-27, particularly the 19th century historical developments which facilitated the creation of the “gap” or “parenthesis” theory between the 69th week and an allegedly futuristic 70th week; the recency of the doctrine of the pre-Tribulation rapture before the onset of the 70th week [1] ; and the derivative idea of the bifurcation of the coming of Jesus Christ into two stages, one involving His return for the saints before the Great Tribulation, the second involving His return with His saints after the expiration of the 70th week. After due consideration of these topics, the practical outworking of the “parenthesis” theory and the two-stage coming of Christ in Dispensational piety and action will be examined historically, both in terms of the 19th century and the 20th. [2] Of special significance is the Dispensational religious/political alliance with the modern State of Israel and political Zionism, a development which has had profound impact on much of modern Protestant Evangelicalism’s understanding of the Kingdom and the role of the Church in political alliances and activism based on an eschatological belief system.

The Dispensational position on Daniel 9 must first be understood in contrast to the two (2) other major exegetical schools of thought on the passage which have developed in history. The first of these is the Maccabean; the second is the Traditional. The former position is often associated with higher biblical critical assumptions about the dating and interpretation of the prophecy specifically, and the book of Daniel generally. The Dispensationalist Emerson writes


Some, by their own admission, call themselves "pan-tribulationists," a clever way of declaring their uncertainty in the pre/post debate. Herein are yet more victims of pre-tribulationism, for had the pre-trib' rapture not been propagated with such systematic fervor, the traditional post-trib' rapture position would be obvious.

Upon my conversion to Christianity, before having the opportunity to read the prophecies for myself with an investigative spirit, I became pre-trib' in my beliefs, but only because the books I had read assured me that the Bible taught a pre-tribulation rapture. I had no idea that the writers were deceiving me, which is exactly what I discovered upon looking into the matter for myself. I found no evidence for either a pre-trib' resurrection or a pre-trib' gathering, while post-trib' was clearly labeled or implied on every rapture passage.


It's great being a Christian Zionist - Loving, Supporting and Comforting the people of Israel. But are we doing it right? Are we acting, believing and praying in accordance with God's plans or are we running ahead in our own understanding.

Malcolm Hedding gave what many believe was the key address at the 2004 Feast, entitled, "Israel, Land and People. A Kingdom Perspective."


Margaret Macdonald's handwritten account in 1830 of her pre-Antichrist (or pretribulation) rapture discovery was reproduced in two of the 19th century books written by Catholic Apostolic Church historian Robert Norton. Her statement has long been in the public domain. Following my discovery of Norton's works and my publication of her words, several persons in recent years have reprinted it.

But some, like militant pretrib rapture defender and diehard Thomas Ice, have had trouble reproducing it accurately. In addition to a total of 49 omitted words in different sections, Ice's 1989 reproduction had 12 added words plus errors in spelling, capitalization, and punctuation! Moreover, I discovered that Ice's version also included four distinctive errors that Hal Lindsey had made in his 1983 reproduction, and that Tim LaHaye's 1992 reproduction left behind the same 49 words that Ice had left behind three years earlier! I've found that pretrib rapture promoters would rather copy - and miscopy - each other than take time to locate primary research documents! (By the way, my margins pinpoint Ice's - and LaHaye's - missing words; e.g., "10W" = 10 words.)


Mark Dankof's "John Hagee of Cornerstone Church: Front Man for Zionism, the Coming War With Iran, and The New World Order" Vanishes in Canada

Mark Dankof's "John Hagee of Cornerstone Church: Front Man for Zionism, the Coming War With Iran, and The New World Order" Disappears in Canada. Why?

Mark Dankof's post at Vancouver Indymedia entitled "John Hagee of Cornerstone Church: Front Man for Zionism, the Coming War With Iran, and The New World Order" inexplicably disappeared. It was linked to a news release at NewsReleaseWire of Washington, D. C.



This book was written for essentially two reasons. To expose the erroneous teachings of the modern day churches regarding the second coming of Christ; and to prove that the "churches" in America have been teaching and propagating the doctrine of the New World Order for over 100 years.

Jonathan Williams recorded in his book, LEGIONS OF SATAN , in 1781, THAT Cornwallis revealed to Washington that a

"holy war will now begin on America, and when it is ended America will supposedly be the citadel of freedom, but her millions will unknowingly be the loyal subjects of the Crown."

Cornwallis went on to explain that what would seem to be a seem to be a contradiction:

"Your churches will be used to teach the Jews' religion and in less than two hundred years the whole nation will be working for divine world government. That government that they believe to be divine will be the British Empire. All religions will be permeated with Judaism without even being noticed by the masses, and they will all be under the invisible all-seeing eye of the Grand Architect of Freemasonry."


One of the oldest legends in history is the story of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, who appear just before some great catastrophe, as a warning to all the world. From time immemorial, the Four Horsemen have stood for War, Famine, Pestilence and Death. Today, in these apocalyptic times, the Four Horsemen appear before us as prominent television personalities, masquerading as Christian patriots while they carry out their stealthy task of propagandizing for the State of Israel and the maintenance of the power of the biological parasite over its Christian host nations.

These Four Horsemen are Billy James Hargis, Billy Graham, Pat Robertson, and Jerry Falwell.

Each of these men has made his reputation as a preacher of "fundamentalist Christianity".

(Somewhat dated, but still on track when it comes to (pre-trib) Evangelist.)



The term Christian Zionism is of relatively recent vintage and was rarely used prior to the early 1990s. Self-proclaimed Christian Zionist organizations such as the International Christian Embassy-Jerusalem and the US-based Bridges for Peace, both with offices in Jerusalem, have been operating for 20 years, but were under the radar of most Middle East experts and the mainstream media until after Sept. 11, 2001.

Briefly stated, Christian Zionism is a movement within Protestant fundamentalism that sees the modern state of Israel as the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy and thus deserving of political, financial and religious support. Christian Zionists work closely with the Israeli government, religious and secular Jewish Zionist organizations, and are particularly empowered during periods when the more conservative Likud Party is in control of the Knesset. Both the secular and religious media place Christian Zionism in the Protestant evangelical movement, which claims upward of 100-125 million members in the US. However, one would more accurately categorize it as part of the fundamentalist wing of Protestant Christianity, since the evangelical movement is far larger and more diverse in its theology and historical development.


A new German translation of the Bible is aimed at ridding the Holy Scriptures of their misogynist and anti-Semitic traits as well as flashing out the relationship between the poor and the privileged.

A new German translation of the Holy Scriptures, entitled "The Bible in Fair Language," will be published this fall, in time for the international book fair in Frankfurt.

( Dat's nice, but did they forget? ) --> Revelation 22:18-19, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.


By the pricking of my thumbs, Something wicked this way comes.

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